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С этим модом вы сможете крафтить ещё больше вещей. Он добавляет в игру удлиненный верстак, который позволяет изготавливать гораздо более мощные предметы, например: удлинённый меч, наносящий на 100% больше урона и имеющий на 50% больше прочности. Все новые инструменты и элементы брони намного лучше стандартных, однако, их изготовление обойдётся вам в два раза дороже. Создать удлинённый верстак легче, чем убить крипера: всё, что с вас требуется – это изготовить 2 обычных верстака и расположить их рядом! Помимо прочего, удлинёнными могут быть удочки, огниво и ножницы.




Удлинённые орудия (кроме мотыги):
  • Ломают блоки на 100% быстрее

  • Наносят на 50% больше урона

  • На 100% прочнее обычных орудий
  • Удлинённая мотыга:

  • На 100% прочнее

  • Вспахивает землю так, что она долго не превращается обратно в обычный блок
  • Удлинённый меч:

  • Наносит на 100% больше урона

  • На 50% прочнее

  • Ломает блоки на 50% быстрее обычного меча
  • (Однако, это не значит, что меч стоит использовать в качестве кирки. Он может ломать лишь некоторые блоки).

    Удлинённые элементы брони:
  • Поглощают больше урона (сложно определить точное количество)

  • На 50% прочнее обычной брони
  • Хотя некоторые из представленных рецептов помещаются в окно крафта 3×3, всё же они работают лишь в удлинённом верстаке.
    Чтобы создать удлинённый верстак, поместите рядом два обычных верстака.

    Рецепты мода NotEnoughItems:

    Если у вас установлен мод NotEnoughItems, вы найдёте в нём все новые рецепты. Чтобы увидеть рецепт предмета, просто нажмите клавишу «R». Или вы можете использовать клавишу «U» на ингредиентах, и удлинённые предметы отобразятся в списке возможных рецептов.
    Мод был создан для NEI и CCC Если вы используется более поздние версии, могут возникнуть ошибки.

    The Extended Workbench Mod 1.13 permits you to craft bigger and stronger tools, weapons and armor in-game. It doubles the scale of a traditional workbench and provides you the bigger crafting menu to have the ability to create the prolonged tools/armor. Extended tools will mine 100% quicker and are 100% extra durable whereas having the capacity to attain 50% farther than regular tools. And extended swords will do 0.5 up to 2 hearts extra damage than normal swords. Every tool wants a particular hilt to be able to be crafted. Wooden wants sticks, stone wants wooden planks, iron wants cobblestone, and gold and diamond want iron ingots. Prolonged Armor is crafted the identical as regular armor was simply barely bigger. It’ll final 50% longer and take up a deal extra damage than regular armor in Minecraft, plus they every have a little bit of an upgraded look to them.

    Due to this mod, you have got the power to craft in addition to modifying all of the armor, tools, and weapons that may deliver a greater combating chance, larger attributes and all that cool stuff that you simply at all times needed! The crafting display will now show 18 blocks in whole, all of that happening in a 3×6 rectangle. It offers a lot better assist and expertise for these giant recipes you wish to create. As a fan of crafting, including on this mod for Minecraft 1.12.2 is wonderful and that’s what you’ll take pleasure in rather a lot right here. It’s the last word factor to remember, and it does deliver an excellent worth for people who wish to play Minecraft typically without workbench limitations.

    Mod Showcase:

    Extended Workbench Mod Update Logs

    • Fixed some things about shapeless recipes.
    • Added Taiwan translation.
    • Added ore recipes to API.
    • Recipes now use OreDicionary for planks.
    • Updated NEI handlers to work with ore recipes.
    • Updated packet handler to prevent memory leaks.
    • Extended map now renders correctly in item frame.

    Extended Workbench Mod 1.13 Setup

    1. Ensure you have already downloaded and install the mod loader.
    2. Download the mod on this web page.
    3. Find the Minecraft directory folder (.minecraft).
    4. Place the mod file you downloaded; you will have only drop (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
    5. While you launch Minecraft and click on the mods button you need to see now the mod is put in.
    6. Make sure to select Forge profile in the launcher.

    Download Extended Workbench Mod

    The download links that are below are protected and safe to download. We be sure that there isn"t any viruses or malwares within the links we offer. We additionally know that Minecraft gamers usually search for the newest updates of Minecraft downloads. If a version of Extended Workbench Mod that you want isn"t listed below, leave us a comment to let us know about it.

    Extended Workbench Mod 1.10.2/1.7.10 adds you the ability to create more things in the game. Extended workbench basically extends you workbench to be able to create more painful stuff like the extended sword which does 100% more damage and 50%harder. Other things like the extended pickaxe also is upgraded “a lot”, however with an equivalent exchange the extended things are also harder to make or in fact doubles the things needed to craft a normal one. To create an extended workbench is easier than killing a creeper, what you do is just to make a normal workbench and put it together! Not only those things are extended but other items like the the fishing rods, the flint and steel, and the shrears.


    Crafting Recipes:

    An extended tool (not hoe):

    • Mines block 100% faster
    • Does 50% more damage when using as weapen
    • Has 100% more uses than a normal tool.

    An extended hoe:

    • Has 100% more uses
    • Creates farmland that takes longer to turn back into dirt

    An extended sword:

    • Does 100% more damage
    • Has 50% more uses
    • Mines blocks 50% faster than a normal sword.

    (That it mines block 50% faster doesn’t mean you can use it as pickaxe. It means there are some blocks a sword can mine. Only these are mined faster.)

    An extended piece of armor:

    • Absorbes more damage (hard to tell how much, Forge does 200 lines of calculations)
    • Lasts 50% longer than a normal piece of armor.

    Even though some of these recipes fit in a 3×3 grid, they require an extended workbench.

    To get an extended workbench, just place two normal workbenches next to each other.

    Other tools:

    An extended bow:

    – shoots arrows 50% faster
    – has 50% more durability
    – needs 20% longer to charge than a normal bow.

    Charging it for 4 more seconds will cause it to become super charged. This will make arrows fly twice as fast, but slowly damages the bow.

    An extended fishing rod:

    – catches fish 20% faster
    – has 50% more durability
    – throws its hook 50% faster than a normal fishing rod.

    It also has a 50% chance to catch cooked instead of raw fish.

    An extended flint and steel:

    – has the ability to set mobs directly on fire
    – lasts 50% longer
    – creates fire, that burns twice as long as normal fire and is not affected by rain

    Extended shrears:

    – mine blocks 50% faster
    – have 50% more durability
    – get 100% more drops from shearing things (like sheep, mooshrooms) than normal shears.

    How much you get from shearing is still random though.

    An extended map has 5 layers.

    You can zoom in and out using the + and – key.

    You can put it into square update mode by putting it together with a diamond in the crafting grid. When you right click with a map in square update mode, it will become completely explored. This will make the map freeze for a few seconds. On the last layer (zoomed all the way out) it will only explore 1/16 of your map and on the second last 1/4. Exploring a too huge area at once would crash the game.

    Extended compass:

    The extended compass allows you to have up to five needles at once. You can open the GUI by right clicking.

    To add a needle, you need to create a sign. On first line put the name of your needle. The second line is the color. It can be black, red, green, brown, blue, purple, cyan, silver, gray, pink, lime, yellow, lightBlue, magenta, orange, white (like wool) or hexadecimal notation. A color picker can be found .

    When you now right click the sign, you will create a needle pointing to the signs location in the selected color. After that you can remove the sign.

    Examples for valid signs:

    Beach E6E65C 3rd line 4th line

    (#E6E65C or 0xE6E65C works too)

    My house blue

    NotEnoughItems Recipe + Usage Handler:

    When you have installed, this mod will automatically register a recipe and usage handler. You can simply press R on the extended items to see their recipe. You can also press U on normal items and extended items will show up as possible uses.
    The mods was created for NEI and CCC If you use later version, you might encounter problems.

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